In the wake of Obama's June 4 uniting speech in Cairo, the thought entered my mind of how Namaz, of Islam, must be linguistically linked to the Hindi greeting Namasté. Knowing both Muslim prayer traditions, and yogic practices, these words actually reflect the same - honouring the sacredness and equality of all and connecting with the Divine.
Namaz (known as Salat amongst Sunni Muslims) is performed facing Mecca, for the significance of Abraham and Mohammed, Peace Be Upon Him, and Namasté to the God within each other. Both acts bring our hands together and heads bowed. While Namaz is the actual practice of daily prayers to Allah, and Namasté is used as a greeting to one another, is not this Godsense within us all, meaning that these acts point to the same?
I seek to help build understanding between the numerous corners of our great Earth - it seems to me that some people of our world have often forced divisions between us rather than seeing all that brings us together. Really, it amazes me the limited knowledge overall of Islam in the West, for instance. Now, I am not myself a Muslim, nor a Christian, nor do I profess any other religion, but I do see great value in really 'getting' each other. Namaskar, friends.