Greetings from rainy Dublin!
Amidst the rain today, I contemplated how the push towards 'Green Energy' for the sake of the environment is linked with the green energy which eminates from our heart chakra. Meaning, I see our external environment as representative of our collective inner beings, and the fact that we struggle with allowing the earth to flourish seems to reflect how we hinder our own flow of love, compassion and connectedness. As our heart chakras open to give and receive this green energy, will not then the outer world reflect this improved circulation, in that we as humans would not create damage and leave 'junk' in the external because we would no longer be burdened with that within us?
Hmmm...back to the readings of Eckhart Tolle.
I've begun giving readings to friends and colleagues, which is also helping me towards developing my healing and channeling skills. It seems that the more attention and focus that I give to these realms, the more it flows to me, the more it puts me in line to receive, the more I grow and learn!